Sharing a workbook

DataLab supports real-time collaboration in notebooks (think Google Docs but for data science) and sharing your workbooks with different access rights.

To share a workbook, click the 'Share' button in the nav bar.

In this modal, you can:

  • Invite specific people to your workbook by using their email

    • The collaborators you add will receive an email with the link to the workbook.

    • Today, you can only invite users that already have a DataCamp account.

    • Your workbook will show up on the dashboard of collaborators you add.

  • Change the workbook visibility

    • Public: the workbook is open to the community. Others can find, view and comment on your workbook.

    • Private: only you and the people you invite have access to the workbook.


You can give different people (or groups of people) different roles:

  • Viewer - Can read the workbook contents, but cannot make edits, leave comments, execute code or manage sharing settings.

  • Editor - Can read, edit, and execute workbook contents. Can rename, share and publish the workbook.

  • Owner (only the project creator) - Can do everything the editor can do, but can also delete the workbook.

Last updated