Text cell
Use the text cell to add text to your notebook. The text cell uses Markdown syntax, which means that you can use certain formatting queues like **
and _
to make text bold, italics, or to add headings and lists to your text. See here for a DataCamp cheat sheet with basic syntax.
The text cell can be in two modes: editing mode or viewing mode.
Editing mode
Use this mode write your markdown cell. A toolbar appears that you can use to easily format text, as well as add hyperlinks and images. You can also just paste an image from your local filesystem or your clipboard into a text cell; the image will be uploaded to your workbook and included with the correct Markdown syntax.
Viewing mode
This is the 'rendered' version of your markdown code: headings show up as larger titles, text formatted as bold will actually be bold, and links and images will be displayed. People with viewing access to your workbook will always see your text cells in viewing mode (since they can not edit them).
Switching modes
To switch from viewing mode to editing mode, you can do one of the following:
Double click on the text cell
Click "Edit" in the cell menu
when the cell is active.
To switch from editing mode to viewing mode, you can do one of the following:
Click "View" in the cell menu
when the cell is active.
Last updated